Sending Email with PHP, PHPMailer and Amazon SES
January 21st, 2012
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Sending email with Amazon’s SES is easy. To get started you’ll need an AWS account with SES sending enabled.
This example uses PHPMailer and builds on some PHPMailer examples.
require_once('PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php'); $to = ""; $from = ""; $subject = "a test subject"; $body = "email body content goes here"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(true); // use SMTP //$mail->SMTPDebug = 2; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) // 1 = errors and messages // 2 = messages only $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->Host = "tls://"; // Amazon SES server, note "tls://" protocol $mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port $mail->Username = "YourSESSMTPUserName"; // SES SMTP username $mail->Password = "YourSESSMTPPassword"; // SES SMTP password $mail->SetFrom($from, 'First Last'); $mail->AddReplyTo($from,'First Last'); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->MsgHTML($body); $address = $to; $mail->AddAddress($address, $to); if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo "Message sent!"; }
For an example of using SSL with SES and PHPMailer see
Categories: php